Saturday, August 23, 2008

Leaving on a jet plane...

The rumors are true - we are going back to Haiti in October! Even better yet, my mom is coming with us! Kobe gets to meet his grandma!!! It's so exciting. Our tickets are booked and we are just thrilled to get to go back to visit. We left not knowing when we would be back. This time leaving is sure to be difficult but I think I am better prepared now knowing how it all works. Now I know how to leave Kobe or I should say who to leave him with.

Nate and I miss our little boy so much. I can honestly say my arms ache to hold him, I get all teary when I look at his photos because I honestly don't know when he will be home. I keep telling myself he will come home but I have no idea when. It is so frustrating, I want our file to be signed out of IBESR right now! Do they even have any idea how much this sweet little boy is loved? His room is practically ready, which I'm so glad because whenever I'm missing him I can work on little details - like hang a new picture, or write on his chalkboard closet doors.

For now I will leave you with this photo, I've been shopping again!


Beth said...

Can't WAIT!!! Adorable clothes!! I bought Asa's outfits, too. I'm excited about meeting you, Nate and your mom! :o)

Kerry said...

How exciting for you to take your mom to meet her grandson. What a great time you are all going to have.

I know the goodbye will be hard but there is nothing like a hug from your mom to make you feel better.

Love the outfits, he always looks so cool.

The Bergstedt's said...

Wow! You get to go again. I am so happy for you. We are going in Nov. Can't wait!

Tifanni said...

Wow, I'm so jelous. If things don't start moving real quick, I"m definately going back this winter. This wait sucks :(

Thomas said...

I knew you couldn't stay away until it was time to bring him home!

AprilC said...

Cute outfits, can't wait to meet you in person and...I am old and the font on your blog is too small :-)

Kristi said...

April you're not old the font is WAY TOO SMALL!!! :-) I was messing with it then I decided to go to bed so I just left it half done... haha I'm going to switch it up now!

Anonymous said...

Did you recieve the two coats for Kobe- I droped off at your work?

Kristi said...

Lindsey- I did thanks - hopefully he won't be needing them while still in Haiti or we're all in trouble.

Anonymous said...

yeah, that's why I tried to make sure they were at least size 4. He probably won't grow into them for awhile. I hope everything goes well for your family. Good luck.