Saturday, February 21, 2009

The word on the street is....

That Lou is in pre-school!!! Oh we are so proud of him! I hear that he knows his "J" and is very proud of that fact too!

Now I'll be honest with you - I did shed a few tears when I read that he was in pre-school. It's hard being so far away and watching him grow through pictures and words. Every month or so I get a small update in words and sometimes a picture or two and those have to sustain me until he eventually comes home. I know he will come home and I know that the longest part of our wait is definitely behind us.

We are ready for him to be home. There are things we want to teach him. Places we want to take him. I want him to see the world and have the opportunity to thrive because I know he will. He's a smart boy and given the chance he will make a difference, I know this because I'm his mom.


Lori said...

It's so tough to know that they're growing up without us! I want to be the one forming their "formative" years and sometimes I just want to throw a brat fit because this process and its delays is preventing that from happening!!

I'm so happy that he's doing well, though. "J" is a good place to start.

Tifanni said...

We're almost there. It get so hard sometimes.

I had a hard time when Alder said his first words.

Kerry said...

Way to go Lou, 'J' wow Auntie Kerry is also proud of you. You are so smart and I maybe biased, but you are the cutest little guy ever!!