Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Jwaye Nowèl To Us!

That means Merry Christmas in Creole.

We received a letter in the mail today from Vivian with Heritage Adoption Services saying that our dossier should be in Haiti by early January! Now breath a sigh of relief with me. I am so excited. One more step down only a few more to go. Our dossier is all the paperwork we gathered, each document was authenticated, and translated and now is ready to be presented to IBESR in Haiti. I'm not sure what else has to be done with it in Haiti before it goes into IBESR but it shouldn't be long now!

IBESR is Haiti's Social Service Department. IBESR is where a social worker will look over all of our documents and decide whether to approve OUR adoption request.The director of IBESR, the IBESR lawyer, the head of adoption services at IBESR, and the IBESR social worker must all sign off on our dossier. This is four stages of approval.

Our file could be in IBESR anywhere from 2 months to 6 months or even longer but this is the typical range. In an effort of positive thinking I'm going to hope for two weeks. Realistic? Probably NOT but what can I say I'm eternally optimistic.

Also, in one last effort of positive thinking could everyone please send lots of positive happy birthday thoughts to Kobe on January 9th? He turns one and it would be really good for him to know he's loved all over the world.