Friday, December 26, 2008

Have you ever heard of a Restavec?

Restavec ---- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A restavec (or restavek; from the French reste avec, "one who stays with") refers to a social system in Haiti in which parents unable to care for their children send them to relatives or strangers living in more urban areas where they receive food and housing (and sometimes an education) in exchange for "light" housework. In reality restavecs often live in grinding poverty, enslaved to their "hosts" and seldom receiving an education. The restavec system is considered a form of slavery.

My heart was breaking while I was reading this post on the Livesay's blog but then I got nearly to the end of it and I read this:

"[As an aside for adoptive parents. In general adoption is misunderstood. In this culture, if you take someone's child, it is so they can work for you. A lot of people will assume that is also why you are adopting. Jeronne recently told us that once everyone in LaDigue saw how kind we were to our Haitian children, they wanted to know if we would help with their children. We hope that our love and equal treatment of our kids will be evident when we're out and about in Port. Troy noticed a lady at a store observing his shopping with Hope. She later said to him, "You really love her, don't you!?!?!" She was surprised by it and pleased.]"

My heart sank and tears filled my eyes. During our last trip one of the aunties asked several times "do you love Loudince? I love Loudince." We told her over and over that we do love him. Every day I made sure to tell her and him that we love him. Before we left I asked another auntie to tell him that we love him and will be back. Actually I asked Nate to ask her to translate for us, I couldn't get it out without crying. But how do you explain that adoption to us, is a means to finding our family. We adore our baby and will love him forever, I hope he knows that.


Salzwedel Family said...

I read that post also. It's just heartbreaking.

When I was visiting Anchise one of the nannies said she could see that I loved her. I thought that was a very high compliment (& very true)!

Kerry said...

Im sure he does know how much you love him:) it must be a great feeling for the Aunties to know the children are truely loved by their adoptive parents.

AprilC said...

on another topic....I like your new look