Monday, May 11, 2009

April Update

Well with the news from last week this update wasn't nearly as anticipated as previous updates. The update in fact does say we are in INS. INS is also known as USCIS - which stands for United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. We also received some much appreciated photos of our growing boy! The part of the update that made me cry was this:

Departure preparation The staffs have been encouraging him to look at the pictures of his adopted family. (They) are frequently telling him he will be going home soon.

Wow. That really hits home. I am completely speechless, there are no words to accurately describe how excited we are. Wow.


Daniela said...

Those words made me cry too. You guys must be beside yourselves with excitement!

Tifanni said...

So cute. So when you guys are down very very soon, would you mind getting Alder's shoe size :)

Eastiopians said...

That gave me goosebumps! Home, soon, your son. Thank God!

Amanda said...

Wow! Another one heading home...this is SO EXCITING!!!

Amanda said...

Wow! Another one heading home...this is SO EXCITING!!!

Lori said...

EXCELLENT!! So very happy for you! Here's hoping things process quickly