Monday, May 4, 2009

Good Times...

Wouldn't it be fun if this was how the typical conversation went:

Kind stranger: "Hey when is your son going to be home from Haiti?"
Me: "Oh that's so nice of you to ask, he will be home on May 31st, 2009 at 4pm in the afternoon"

Instead it goes like this:

Kind stranger: "Hey when is your son going to be home from Haiti?"
Me: "Oh umm well I am not sure, I wish I knew, but...
Kind stranger: "What do you mean you don't know?"
Me: "Oh well we are getting closer!!!" (smiling really really big and hoping he will drop it)
Kind stranger: "But haven't you been trying to get him home for a long time now?"
Me: (clearly not having fun anymore and not smiling) Yes. (wanting to add thanks for pointing it out jerk)
Kind stranger: "Well I just don't understand how they can keep you waiting this long when there are so many kids who need homes...."
Me: (eyes glazed over staring off into space can't think of anything to say) "Yeah. Goodbye." (wanted to say "go away please")


Kerry said...

Dont you hate people that just dont drop it, even though they can see that you are fed up. Maybe you should work on your 'get out of my face look'.

Amanda said...

Oh man. I know. The plus is look at the CUTE kid you're waiting on!!! Love the new picture you have up at the top!

dreamingBIGdreams said...

i love this.
i have said a million times if i just knew the date ... even if it was one year from now ... i could be better at waiting. it's the unknown that is so hard ... and SO HARD TO EXPLAIN!!!!


AprilC said...

I get at school...EVERY MORNING....are you leaving to get her yet?

Tifanni said...

I totally get you. As luck would have it, on the days that we actually have news, no one asks-since those days are few and far between, I'm always brushing people off too. Hang in there :)

Thomas said...

Just tell people he will be home as soon as they clear up his highly contagious diarrhea and hideous rash! Let's see if they keep asking after that!

Rachel said...

I'm sure they mean well, but Some people just cannot take a hint! I pray that you'll receive good news soon - then you'll want to scream it from the highest mountains! :)