Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Finally! A breeze!!

The breeze is nice! I caught a peak of Alexandro today, he's so little and so cute! Faline is growing, and gets lots of hugs and kisses. She's very sweet and easy going.

Lou is in school this morning and all will be happy to hear he is not asleep but instead VERY VERY VERY awake! Not in a good way he's running around and keeps escaping...huh. I guess Daddy will have to work on that since he is the teacha. It's really cute because Lou says Good Morning Teacha Jean.

We are ready to fly tomorrow, all THREE of us!


Chan said...

OOHH Thanks Kristy!

Brother and sisters are very exciting now. They see your comment and they are very happy!!!

Annie, waiting for little Alexandro!!!

Daniela said...

Glad to hear that Faline is getting some loving! She has been very ill and could use the extra TLC. Can't wait to hear about your travels home :-)